Mountain Goat scoops award at prestigious tourism award ceremony in Belfast.
On Thursday 21st September, at Belfast City Hall, the UKInbound Awards for Excellence took place. In front of 350 tourism and hospitality professionals, Mountain Goat won Sightseeing Operator of the Year.

Our Group Sales and Marketing Manager Asia Connor pictured above was present to accept the award.
Asia said ‘’We’re all absolutely thrilled to have received this award, it wouldn’t be possible without our exceptional driver-guides, office team, garage team and of course the continued support we receive from our customers and the local community.’’
This win is a big deal for Mountain Goat, beating Golden Tours and City Cruises, two exceptional Tour companies. 
Joss Croft OBE, CEO UKinbound said: “Last year, our inbound tourism industry saw over 31 million visits from international tourists to the UK who spent over £26 billion and our Awards for Excellence are a great opportunity to reward and celebrate the industry. Our members who work for businesses such as major attractions, tour operators, transport and accommodation providers have all worked incredibly hard over the last 12 months and made a significant contribution to the continuing success of the sector. We are delighted to name Mountain Goat as Sightseeing Operator of the Year.”
With a recent trip to San Francisco, the awards show in Belfast and soon promotional trips to India and China, Mountain Goat are excited about bringing more tourism to the area, promoting and showcasing the special and unique beauty that is Northern England.